Allowing for the simultaneous fusion of multiple joints with varying material thicknesses, our superior aluminum dip and vacuum brazing operations provide parts with improved structural integrity, better conductivity, and less distortion than alternative machining processes. And, our aluminum dip and vacuum brazing service provides our clients with reduced tooling costs and significant material savings. Our vacuum hot zone can braze on aluminum parts measuring 32x37x56 inches, while our aluminum dip can handle parts measuring 36x48x48 inches. Larger parts can sometimes be double dipped.
At Ridge Engineering, we are dedicated to providing clients with the most advanced machining operations that combine high-quality production with considerable cost savings and shorter lead times. All of our brazing services meet high industry standards. And, we further ensure the quality of our craftsmanship by performing a variety of inspection analyses, such as flow and pressure testing, all executed with our own, custom-built equipment.
We further ensure the just-in-time manufacturing and delivery of all our aluminum dip and vacuum brazing products, which include antenna arrays, wave guides, and heat sinks. Happily serving diverse industries, ranging from aerospace to transportation and packaging, we invite you to Contact Ridge Engineering today to learn more about our advanced brazing operations.